Thursday, December 17, 2009

Seven Days

It's only 10:00.  It feels a lot later then that.  It's cold in here.  I turned the heat down a few degrees because Jacek had red cheeks and red tipped ears when he went to bed.  The tips of my hands are so cold it's hard to type and my nose, I wonder if it's still on my face, I can't feel it.

I've been re-working my shopping list.  I still have so many things to buy.

How many days?  7.  Holy crap.

I got some Christmas cards done tonight and they'll go out in the mail tomorrow.  I didn't do a whole lot this year.  Trying to keep it simple.  I'm going to do an email greeting in a few days.  Sometimes it's just easier and that way no one has to be faced with the decision about keeping or throwing the card away once Christmas is over.  Who wants to deal with that guilt, right?

Christmas.  It's coming fast and it'll be over in a flash leaving us with our fat pants on, our houses a mess, bags of ripped and torn wrapping paper, crumbs and tired kids.  

Sounds fantastic doesn't it? 

Hope you're enjoying the build up.  Hopefully the climax won't be disappointing!

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