Monday, November 16, 2009

Not me Monday 11/16/09

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not curse and yell at my GPS, whom I call Jane, and stuff her into my glove compartment after she took me down a one way street on Monday.

I did not completely freak myself out after going to an appointment in an old and eerie warehouse building.  I did not want to run down the halls rather then walk because I was convinced someone was following me.  I did not shriek when I finally exited the building only to be staring directly into a cemetery on the other side of the street.   I did not breathe a sigh or relief the minute I was safe inside my van.

I did not almost forget to renew my license.  I am not the least bit nervous about flying without a valid photo ID but rather with a piece of paper that says it's good for 30 days only and an expired licensed.

I did not have some beer on Friday night, Saturday night and again on Sunday.  I did not enjoy every single one.

I did not feed my fat cat more food even after he tipped over his basket full of treats, ate every last one and then proceeded to meow at me because I only gave him half a scoop of food.  I did not feed him more just so he would stop the annoying meowing.

I did not complain at all this week.  Haha, nope I sure didn't.

I hope you had a blast NOT doing things this past week.  I'd love to hear about it!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I did not eat peanutbutter patties by the multitude and hide the box each time I heard my children.

I did not breathe a sigh of relief when our daughter, after an "up all night" sleepover, went to a friends house to play when she got back.

I did not cry and stare at the gifts I gave my sister for her birthaday because I so badly wanted back our childhood days.

And I most defintly did not steal the kids halloween candy even though I have my own hid in the freezer.