Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Over at Wordless Wednesday posters that participate are supposed to share a picture that speaks for itself, or a few pictures to create a little story. 

Here's the picture I chose.

-Walt Streightiff


Kimberly said...

Kerri... that is a beautiful picture of Jacek and Aiden... you took that yourself? You may want to continue with your writing and do some more of that photography... you captured so much in one picture!!! You have a special talent you are not even aware of yet... in your writing and in your picture taking... don't stop. :)

PolishPrince said...

I do love that picture as well. The way Aidan looks up to Jacek in awe and wonderment is priceless! Brothers' eyes tell no lies...

Sugar Bear said... have delighted me with your comments on my posts. Thank you. It means a lot to me to have you a part of this with me.
I did take this picture with hopes to capture the love and admiration that Aidan holds for his big brother. I surprisingly captured so much more.

erica said...

ok..i want a copy of that pic.. i LOVE it..

MomWheeler said...

Grandma Would Like a Copy Of That Picture Too!!! Your Two Little Boys...That Day Will Never Come Again...But You Will Always Have That Picture...That Is What Memories Are Made Of!