Friday, February 12, 2010

My ________ Valentine

My Munchkin love.
My 1st glimpse into momminess

My heart had no idea
of many things
before you
shared them with me
I would stare at you for hours
if you'd let me
 but you ask me to stop.
So, I watch you when you're not looking
because I can't stop.
and I Never will.
 My little helper.
My picker upper.
My heart bump bumper.
The first years (4 already)
have gone by so fast.
You barely fit on to my lap.
but you still try
and I love the uncomfortable squish.

You are going to be an AMAZING man.
but you get to be my little boy first.
So slow done okay.
Just settle down with me for awhile.

thank you.
because I know
You cuddle with me
even though it's not
what you want to do
but you know I love it
so you do.

I love you my Sweet Valentine.


Anonymous said...

He is so adorable!!! What a great post and you can show it to him someday!

Melissa said...

Very sweet and I agree that he is SO adorable!

Kimberly said...

As an impartial Aunt..ahem.. I have to say that your little Valentine is one sweet, cutie pie
(No I did not steal "cutie pie" from Valentine candy hearts.. I made that up!!!) Okay I stole it!! I have bronchial pneumonia, it's the meds.. I swear.. lol ( I do swear.. lol) I look at him now and I can NOT believe how he has grown, how he has matured, how he has started to develop himself, as a unique,individual.. HE IS adorable!! The first day, that I held Jacek, I shook, he was soooo small.. yet he stole quite a large spot in his Aunt's heart. Forever. You are blessed each busy,chaotic, frustrating moment, of every day.. and as those frustrating moments pass.. to the next.. and as they do...your heart grows larger and more tender..
I picked out a card for Boo for Valentine's Day, to go with her ONLY two other things, that turned out to be only 5 other things.. lol and I cried as I read those cards. The words explained how she has made me feel for the last 14 years.. (I can't believe I am only meds again.) She is my sunshine, my inspiration, my daughter... the best parts of me!!! I still can not believe she is mine. Happy Valentine's Day to you Kerri and that sweet Valentine!! ( I also left you a comment on your "menu" post!)

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

How sweet! I have to ask, what is going on with that one photo that makes him look like a ghost?

Confessions From A Working Mom

Rindie K said...

Your blog today is so very sweet and so are your sons!! Relish in them now before they grow up as they do it so darn fast!! LOVE you guys!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! XOXOXO

Sugar Bear said...

@ Girl Next Door - I read it to him and when I was done he said, "Were you reading that to ME?" lol.

@Melissa - Thank you!

@Kimberly - thanks for stopping by again. I've missed you. Happy Valentines Day to you and Boo!

@ Elizabeth - Thanks! I replied to you in a comment on your blog but just in case you miss it - the blurry photo is of him jumping - conclusion of that will be posted on Valentines Day.

@Rindie - thanks we love you too!