Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Fragments and Follow

Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth.

Have you ever taken 10 minutes and browsed through your SPAM email folder?  Here's a few I've received recently....

Rob and Karen Spam sent me the following email:
We would like to show you why you may be "fat" and why you're unable to lose weight no matter how hard you try.  First off, please always know that it's not your fault...
So, it's not my fault that I eat cheese puff after cheese puff at 10 o'clock at night and then go to bed resulting in instant weight gain?  That's the best news I've ever gotten!!  So, who's fault is it?

I also received this short and sweet email:
Forklifts at Unbeatable Prices - New and Used
I didn't even know I wanted a forklift but now I totally do.

And this email just had to be mentioned:
You're fired.  Earn money without constant effort.
I got fired by Spam. I'm unclear on what emotion to feel right now.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ 
Yesterday I....

 ran 3.12 miles in 36 minutes

went to the doctors.  My blood pressure was 138/80.  What an improvement from 203/117.  Right?!? 

bought 3 lottery tickets and won NADDA.  That sucks.

signed up for a 5k next Sunday.

got the letter stating that my 4 year old son got accepted and will be attending a full day pre-k program next fall.  Now we must figure out what is best for everyone as far as me working on the weekends.

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Today I....

am going for my reattempt tooth extraction.  I was instructed to take my blood pressure medicine and 2 Xanax.  I'm almost positive I'm gonna make a fool out of myself somehow.  I took 1 Xanax yesterday and felt like a zombie.

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Ian suggested that I solicit questions about me, pertaining to me, etc. that my husband will answer from his perspective as a feature for a post during my 6 month blogging anniversary party(which is at the end of the month).  
So, please could you come up with some for him?  I'll be taking them from now until next Saturday the 24th.  
You can leave them in a comment here or email them to me at klynnski8 at gmail dot com.  If you prefer you can comment anonymously so I won't know who asked what.  It's up to you!

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Yesterday I attempted a "funny" post.  Quite a few readers told me they were rolling on the floor while reading it.  I always have a hard time with being funny...I've found that not a whole bunch of people "get my sense of humor" if you didn't have a chance to check it out yesterday I'd love it if you'd check it out and let me know what you think.  Be warned though, it's about sex toys and is titled "A Girl And Her Toys"

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Thanks for stopping by to check out
Kerris Klutter

I'm on a journey of sorts
learning how to write
honestly about EVERYTHING.

I've been blogging for just about 6 months
and I *think* 
I'm getting a hang of it.
Mother of 2 small boys
work part time on the weekends

Look around to find out more 
and please
enjoy the Klutter.


Melissa said...

Great news about your blood pressure!

My spam messages always seem to be from places selling discount pharmaceuticals. Or promising to enlarge a body part that I don't even have.

Hope your appointment with the dentist goes smoothly!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

That is awesome news about your blood pressure!!! :)

Lizzie said...

I hadn't thought of actually reading the Spam folder, good for you for finding a place for humor!
Stopped by from SITS, have a grand weekend and good luck with the extrraction.

Unknown said...

ahahahaha Fired by Spam! Love it...and happy follower here!

PolishPrince said...

You don't ever have to worry about BEING funny, you just are by BEING you!

I think we get the same spam because after just looking through my 312 spam-a-zoids, I also have one about forklifts and the constant effort one, lol!

I cant' help but comment on word verification again:


Does adymati know today's Friday? Woohoo!

Anne said...

Tooth extraction?? Wha??? Good luck!!

My question for your husband is this: Despite your texts to the contrary when Kerri was at the Sex Toy Party, I would like to know if you REALLY wanted her to buy something there. And if so, what? Something of the rabbit variety?? ;)

Jb said...

OMG! Yes you ARE funny!!! I almost spit my food out onto my computer screen when I read the cheese puffs line! I never thought I was that funny until recently. My teenage son has been reading my blog and I can always hear him in the next room, snorting with laughter. I think that's pretty damn good, if you can get a teenager to laugh. (Let's not mention that he COULD be laughing AT me...I prefer to remain delusional).

Ian said...


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Yesterday I....

ran 3.12 miles in 36 minutes

DAMN I run one mile in that time

went to the doctors. My blood pressure was 138/80. What an improvement from 203/117. Right?!?

Very good yo!

bought 3 lottery tickets and won NADDA. That sucks.

FML and FYL :)

Questions for the husband - what's Kerri like in bed? Shit...did I ask that - ask him!

What's Kerri like in real life
What's she scared of?
What's her dreams and aspirations?
What's her biggest pet peeve

erica said...

since when do you have trouble being funny?? um, i thought it kinda came naturally.. you've always got me cracking up.. or maybe i'm just easily amused.. hehe
good luck with the tooth today.. "you can do it".. ;)
congrats on the running.. i tried riding carl lee's bike yesterday and all i got out of it was a skinned ankle and a sore ass.. (that itty bitty seat wasn't meant for this lard a$$)

Amy said...

I never check my spam box unless I"m missing an e=mail from someone. If I go read your sex toy post, I bet I'll have plenty of funny stuff in my spam box soon.

Heavenly Savings said...

I always check my spam box!!! I’m another new follower! Feel free to check out my blog as well!
Happy Friday Follow! Hope to Blog with you again soon!

Daisygirl said...

I thought your post was hilarious!
I hope your tooth thing went well, I have to back into the dentist next not fun!

I hope you have a great weekend! My brain is gone right now and I can't think of a great question for you hubby other than Who usually wins your arguments? Whats his favorite thing that you cook?
I'm so tired...must have nap but I don't get one so I will be a zombie without a xanax!

Lady Hill said...

I came across your blog on a Friday Follow and I had to stop by. My name is also Kerri and no one ever spells it right! I am surrounded by clutter of all sorts and my blog is about taking control of it.
I'm your newest follower!

Frugal Science Gal said...

Happy Friday Follow! I'm your most recent follower! :-)
Check out my blog at:

Claudya Martinez said...

That's funny because I got hired by Spam. I passed on the job, though.

VKT said...

Hi there. I found your blog through Friday Follow. If you would be interested in following my blog, I would gladly return the favor.

SimplySandi said...

Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest. Great blog. I always check my spam folder, and it's amazing the stuff that is out there. Have a great weekend.

furygirl3132 said...

My spam folder always has some unmentionable pharmaceutical emails to say the least! I am a new follower from Friday Follow, so glad to have found your blog. Hope you have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Spam...I hate spam...either kind. wow, I'm impressed with the running. You go.

Carolee Hollenback said...

Congrats on getting that blood pressure down.

Just the word "Spam" is enough to get mine on the rise!

We won't get into unsolicited telephone calls!

Have a great weekend!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I've got those same messages in my spam folder. I can't figure out why someone would have thought I could use a fork lift? I am the most unforklife-related girl ever.

The Baby Store Plus said...

Hi, I am still working my way through the Follow Friday Celebration List! I am now following you.

Hope you get a chance to visit my blog too!

Have a Wonderful Week!
